Media Release

Capacity milestone reached at Kate Valley Landfill

The capacity of the current Kate Valley Landfill to receive waste has reached the half-way point 19 years a<er it opened in 2005.
Media Release

Kahikatea make a come-back in ambitious restoration project

New Zealand’s tallest native tree, Kahikatea (white pine / Dacrycarpus dacryidioides), is once again reaching for the stars in Tiromoana Bush, the 407-hectare regenerating lowland forest in Waipara.
Media Release

Regional rubbish crushed by 56-tonne compactor

Waste is no match for the latest acquisition at the Kate Valley Landfill. The new German
manufactured 56-tonne compactor is only the second of its kind in New Zealand, bought to shred
and squash waste in the regional landfill owned by Transwaste Canterbury Ltd (Transwaste).
Media Release

Name change recognizes contribution of Gareth James to community waste management

The Kate Valley Landfill has been renamed the Kate Valley Landfill and Gareth James Energy Park
in recognition of the enormous contribution of Gareth James the Transwaste Director who has
been involved in community waste management for over thirty years since the search for a
suitable site for a landfill began in the 1990s.
Media Release

Community Liaison Group meets at Kate Valley landfill

Representatives of the Waipara-Omihi community got an up-close look at the operations of the Kate Valley Landfill this month when the Community Liaison Group (CLG) held a quarterly meeting on-site at the landfill.
Media Release

Increase in Native birds proof of predator control programme

A small resident population of kereru / native pigeon in Tiromoana Bush has more than doubled in size over the past four years.
Media Release

Tiromoana Bush field day finds favour with friends of Biodiversity Trust

A field day and guided tour through Tiromoana Bush, the 407-hectare regenerating lowland native forest on Mt Cass Road in Waipara, attracted an attentive group of over 40 people interested in learning about the ambitious restoration project.
Media Release

Kate Valley on show for shareholders

Transwaste Canterbury Ltd (Transwaste) welcomed councillors and staff from council shareholders to a day of activities at Kate Valley on Monday 13 March.
Media Release

Tiromoana Bush Tree Planting

Kahikatea forest planting continues in Tiromoana Bush.
Media Release

Kate Valley a key destination for waste managers

Kate Valley a key destination for waste managers